9 Most Important Steps For Venipuncture
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1. Test Report Form
- A properly filled test requisition form is the first important step of blood sample analysis.
- It contains the patient identification and test detail information.
- It acts as a link between the physician and the laboratory.
- It significantly affects laboratory outcomes and ultimately patient safety.
- Collecting a sample from an incorrectly identified patient can lead to serious consequences such as misdiagnosis.
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2. Patient Preparation
- The next important step is preparing the patient.
- It also includes taking the patient’s consent before starting the venipuncture.
- Putting the patient at ease helps in successful sample collection.
3. Patient Safety
- Make sure you are aware of the health status/condition of the patient.
- It is also important for you to be aware of any known allergies or phobias of the patient.
4. Sanitation and Sterilization
- The next point of prime importance is to not let any infection spread during venipuncture.
- All safety and sterilization protocols should be followed strictly.
- Hand sanitization should be performed in view of the patient.
- It is an important step in the venipuncture procedure.
- The site of venipuncture once cleaned with antiseptic should not be touched by bare hands thereafter.
- All equipment like collection tubes and needles should be checked before us
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5. Patient Positioning and Tourniquet Application
- Positioning the patient correctly and applying the tourniquet are the next important steps to be followed in venipuncture.
- Most samples are drawn with the patient sitting up, while many patients prefer reclining chairs.
- If a patient is known to have vasovagal (when a patient faints in a stressful situation), then the lying down position should be preferred for sample collection.
- It is important to check that the hand is at a lower level than the arm during venipuncture.
6. Performing Venipuncture
- A flash of blood in the hub of the syringe indicates successful entry into the vein.
- Blood is collected by slowly pulling the plunger.
- At this point, the tied tourniquet should be released.
7. Hematoma Formation Prevention
- The needle should be retrieved smoothly and pressure should be applied at the site of collection only after the needle has been withdrawn.
- This helps prevent hematoma formation.
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8. Careful Waste Disposal
- It is very important to ensure that all the sharps and other contaminated materials are properly discarded in specified containers or biohazard containers.
- Hands and the procedure area should be sanitized after waste disposal.
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9. Care While Transportation
- Transport of specimens, if required, should be done timely and properly.
- Samples should be transported in sealed leak-proof bags/containers.
All these kept in mind lay the foundation of an effective venipuncture procedure.
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