Class 12th is a very crucial time in one’s life, a student feels restless during the result days, is mostly stressed and anxious. The best way to cope up with this stress is to stop thinking about the result, and focus on things that make you happy and uplift your mood. CBSE class 12th result will be declared soon, tentatively around July-August and can be checked on the official CBSE website
The results awaited in the year 2022, are distinguished by the name Term 1 and Term 2.
Term 1 results have been declared on March 19, 2022. These marks were sent by the board to the respective schools,in a collective manner, i.e. individual student performance was not available on the website. The school could check the marks against the particular student by downloading a pdf containing the names and marks of all the students. Term 1 weightage will be announced with the class 12th Term 2 result. Students can check the result simply by entering their name, roll number on the official website. Individual scores against each subject would be visible on the page.
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Step-by-step instructions:
- Visit official website
- On the homepage, click on “CBSE result 2022 Class 12”
- Enter details: Roll number, School number, Centre Number, Admit card number
- Click on Submit button
- The result will be displayed on the screen

Marks | Grades | Grade Point |
91-100 | A1 | 10 |
81-90 | A2 | 9 |
71-80 | B1 | 8 |
61-70 | B2 | 7 |
51-60 | C1 | 6 |
41-50 | C2 | 5 |
31-40 | D | 4 |
21-30 | E1 | - |
0-20 | E2 | - |
Usually the result pattern of class 12th exams was based on the final exams only but this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic the session was divided into 2 terms: Term 1 and Term 2
Where exams and results of Term 1 have been declared already, the results are pending for Term 2, let us look at some important dates for CBSE Result 2022
Important Timelines:
CBSE Class 12th | Date |
Class 12th Term 1 Exam | 1/12/2021 to 22/12/2021 |
Class 12th Term 1 Result | 19/03/2022 |
Class 12th Term 2 Exam | 26/04/2022 to 15/06/2022 |
Class 12th Term 2 Result | July’ 2022 |
Class 12th Compartment Exam | August’ 2022 |
Class 12th Compartment Result | September 2022 |
CBSE Class 12th Results are declared according to marks scored in each subject, post which the CGPA as well as the percentage can be calculated. In order to calculate the CGPA and Percentage of Class 12th CBSE Result 2022, you may use the following:
Steps by step process of calculating CGPA for CBSE class 12th result 2022
Add the grade points of all subjects
Divide it with the total number of the subject
For Grade points = 8, 8, 9, 6, 7,
CGPA would be = (8+8+9+6+7)/5 = 7.6
Converting CGPA to Percentage
Percentage = CGPA X 9.5
For CGPA = 8.6
Overall percentage
8.6 x 9.5 = 81.7%

After the result of class 12th CBSE has been declared, you can look for various Universities and options based on the obtained result. Many colleges and Universities require a certain percentage that is called the ‘cut off percentage’ for the admission. These percentages fall between 70-90% and are usually for professional bachelor courses. However many students who score below 70% are left with very few choices, but still there are many opportunities and job oriented courses that can be chosen by the class 12th passout student with any percentage, these courses are job oriented courses and they help the student build a career irrespective of how much he scored in his class 12th.
- Paramedical Course
- Event Management
- Fashion Designing
- Travel and Tourism
- Performing Arts
- Web Design
- Animation and VFX
- Aviation
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- For Term 1 CBSE Class 12th result, performance of individual students is not available online, however the schools uploaded the information about the students’ performance.
- For all the subjects in which the school did not take the assessment the OMR sheets were scanned and communicated to the schools.
- Term II results will be subjective of the difficulty level between sets of question papers in Term- I examinations, subjects such as- Spanish or difficulty level in particular set/state/ region. Needed action will be taken at the time of preparation of the final result.
- In case, the students missed their exams due to COVID-19 or because of participation in any National/International Sports/Olympiads etc. their performance will be assessed based on the performance in Term-II examinations.
- For Term 1 only theory performance has been communicated to the schools as the information about practical/project/internal assessment is already with the schools for Term – I
- Marksheet and final result will only be made after Term – II examinations, these will contain final marks of both the terms, as per weightage. No marksheets or certificates are available for Term- I.
- The weightage of Term-1 and Term-Il will be decided at the time of declaration of Term-11 result and accordingly, the final performance will be calculated.
- Results of Class 12th will be declared after Term 2 examinations and the candidates will be placed in the Essential Repeat/ Compartment/ Pass category etc.
- Examination centers will be allotted afresh in Term 2. Students will appear only from the assigned examination center. Examination center will not be changed inTerm 2 examinations.
- Compartment Examination will be conducted based on the syllabus of Term 2 examinations.
- In case of the PatracharVidyalaya/ Private candidates, since the students will only appear in Term-II examination, their marks in Practical and Theory will be awarded on a pro-rata basis.
- If problems are reported in the question papers or marking schemes, the Board calculates/re-calculates the performance of the students, considering the revised answer key wherever applicable.
- In cases such as, Unfair means, sub-judice cases, Not eligible and Result later – action will be taken at the time of final results as per rules. Such candidates will be allowed to appear in Term – II examinations.
- Performance of the students of 62 schools has been communicated provisionally and is under scrutiny for CBSE Result 2021 Class 12th Term 1
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