Kisan Diwas Celebration at Virohan Faridabad Campus

Hello Everyone, Virohan Editorial Club is back again with a rocking and learning event. So, this December we decided to learn something new on the occasion of KISAN DIWAS. The activities were planned by all the organizers. We are enlisting all the activities below:-
Vermicomposting:- Most of the students belong from farming background. So, this activity was highly exciting for students. In this activity students learn how we can make organic manure by using organic waste products. These waste are kitchen waste, Cow dung, soil, Neem leaves and Earthworms (optional). Kitchen waste provide the essential nutrients to organic manure, Neem leaves helps to avoid fungal infections and work as natural pesticide. Cow dung is hugely used as natural fertilizer and earthworms convert inorganic compounds into organic ones. So, students learn to make natural compost by using all these products and the importance of natural manure. This technique not only provides good nutrients to the crops but also helps us to maintain sustainable waste management.

HYDROPONICS:- Everyone knows that we can grow plants in soil, but most of us were still unaware that we could grow plants in water as well. So, Via this technique all students learnt that we can grow our food crops in water as well. Many students participated in this activity because this was very new and unique to them. Students grew Spinach, Chickpea and Fenugreek.

POSTER:- On Kisan Diwas, students feel the vibe of kisan and they represent them via beautiful posters. Via this activity we got lots of creative posters in our campus.

DEBATE:- The most exciting part of the event was Debate. Many students participated in it and it was a great fun to see them retrograde each other’s point of view. Via debate they shared their ideas to each other and also understood the views of Farmers very closely about what kind of issues they are facing in their daily lives and how we can solve them via new techniques.

Written by:- Editorial club
Captured by:- Portrait club
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